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Endo Access Kit
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Endo Access Kit

Artikel-Nr.: 20303
Hersteller: SS White
Inhalt: Kit
Preiseinheit: Preis pro 1 Lieferbar in ca. 3-5 Werktagen
€ *
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In Stock - SKU: 20303
Designed to preserve dentin and create longer lasting restorations, the new SS White Endodontic Kit includes the ideal combination of instruments necessary completion of endodontic access, shaping, finishing and cleaning
SS White Endodontic Kit Contains:
Endodontic Access:
Great White Burs: Initial access through enamel, metal
Great White Z Diamonds: Initial access through zirconia
Piranha Diamonds: Pulp chamber/axial wall refinement
Endoguide Burs: Secondary access to locate root canals opening
Endodontic Shaping, Finishing and Cleaning:
V-Glide Path 2H: Creation of the glide path
V-Taper 2H: Root canal shaping and finishing
V-Clean: Cleansing during the obturation process
V-Taper2 Absorbent Paper Points: 06/20 - 06/30 - 06/25
V-Taper2 Gutta Percha Points: 06/20 - 06/30 - 06/25
Fully autoclavable aluminum bur block

* exkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten